
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Saved by the Butt

No this is not some new, weird TV show; just a clever title in the midst of procrastination! In the middle of studying for my lab tomorrow I needed a little bathroom break, so I ran down the hall to the bathroom.  After living with two guys for almost six months now, you would think I would have gotten in the habit of looking down before I sit on the porcelain thrown. Well, not so much.  Especially lately! I'm not sure if I'm just in a hurry or what, but these occurrences of a unexpected hindquarter rinsing are becoming  a little too frequent for my liking! Luckily today I was saved by what my mom so loving referred to during our dress shopping adventure as "double the trouble" (see previous posts if you're a bit confused). This time instead of landing in the water, I was lucky enough catch the outsides of my hips to the outer rim of the toilet bowl. This was much preferred over landing in the water or my favorite getting stuck on the under side of the rim.  Yes this really happened.... not one of my finer moments and once again due to Brett leaving the seat up. I actually fell into the water and in trying to get out, got stuck because I was just parallel enough to get stuck on the under side of the rim. It took a few tries to get out, but I made it out alive... just barely!

Well I suppose I should get back to my lab prep.  In the study guide they gave us, it said not to wait until the night before to start preping... I'm sure you can guess how well I listened!

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