
Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Last night at 6:10pm I saw this gush of fluid come out from behind Lola (who of course was on my bed). At first I thought she had peed on my bed and I was pissed, but then I remembered what I had saw and realized there was no way that could have been pee. Then I looked behind her... Sure enough there was puppy in it's little sack hanging out back there. Wanting this process to happen on the blankets we had bought and set up less than five feet away, rather than on my bed, I had to figure out how to get Lola and the new puppy, that was still attached I might add, over to said blankets. All I can say is thank goodness for nursing school! I grabbed one of the blankets, shoved half it under Lola, rolled her a little bit to pull out the blanket on the other side, and then picked up the blanket and moved her. She laid there for a bit cleaning off this little one and twenty minutes after the first one we had a second one.

By 8:40pm we had two more little ones. I was thinking with the size of Lola and the size of the babies, there was no way anymore could be in there. 

So I moved her once again to crate Brett had cleaned up when he got home, and their permanent location. Not too long later, we had number five make it's appearance. Wanting to eat Brett and I went down stairs and about thirty minutes later Lola was down there. I was very surprised to see her, but I guess I should have figured she would have to go to the bathroom sometime. So she went outside, did her business, and then went back up to her puppies. Thirty minutes later I went up there to check on them again, and as I was moving them around I realized I had moved five puppies and there was still one left... SIX PUPPIES!

So that was our excitement for the night. Lola and the puppies are all doing great! It's amazing how she knew exactly what to do, and she continues to be very attentive to them. It's funny cause she wants to come sit with me like she normally does, but about five minutes later she'll run back and check on the puppies. I'm sure we'll be posting more pictures as they get older but here is some from the last 24 hours. Enjoy!

...Although Boston still isn't too sure about this :O)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rules to Follow When Going Out.

Last week I had my "summer vacation". Towards the end of the week I decided to make a little trip back home. While I was down, I ended up getting in touch with a couple friends, Alyssa and Sarah, who were also in town and we decided to go get a drink Saturday night. There were several funny parts to this adventure that definitely went no where near planned. Number 1: We were going to leave like around 10ish... then we got the call that my brother and Alyssa's sister were on Prom court so we decided to make a detour with our moms to the Prom to see this. Our new departure time: 11:45ish. Number 2: Alyssa had been up since 6am and said she probably wasn't going to be out too late and I was thinking the same thing (although I hadn't gotten up nearly that early). What really happened?? We ended up running into Brandon (who Sarah and I used to hang out with) and his friend John. One drink turned into... well I think four-ish.. And I hadn't drank in awhile... but more about that later. Oh and what time did we get home?? Well it was about 4am and then I decided to stay up until 5am (...and paid for that for the next two days).  Yeah, obviously things went to plan right?! Haha.. Well, even though things didn't go as planned, it was definitely a fun night with friends I hadn't spent time with in awhile. I also learned a few things from my "light-weighted-ness" so I thought I would share with you to hopefully help you avoid my mistakes:

1) Derek does not like it when you call him Frank. Even if you are horrible with names (like me) and  legitimately thought his name was Frank (like me again), but after a few times he may get a little angry. So... yes, Frank is not a good name to call people when you don't remember their name. It's probably best just not to say anything. 

1 1/2) It is okay to call Antonio, Fernandez. He doesn't care like Frank, I mean Derek, does. Of course you'll remember that his name is Antonio, which will further anger Derek.

2) The man pictured is not Santa Claus. In an inebriated state you may be convinced that this man is Santa Claus' clone. Yeah... looking back you'll realize this man is SCARY!! And if this was what Santa Claus looked like the whole Christmas things would be over in a hurry! 

3) Avoid short guys wearing red hats, with no game. They will drag your friend Sarah up to dance and due to friend code (the creeper section in particular) you must go save her. Then said creeper will try to dance with all of you and it will be awkward. Evasion tactics will not work because this guys ego is bigger than he is, even if your evasion tactics are painfully obvious. Also, it's handy if you have a friend named Andrew. He will save your friend Sarah after you have failed. Said creepier may also apologize to said friend Sarah for you and other friend, say her name is Alyssa, for being b-words... no that doesn't stand for beautiful. 

4) You're waiter will just look at you funny if you say your ice water isn't cold enough. You may think he would bring you more ice, but he won't. He'll just give you a "yeah... I'm going to go in the back and make fun of you in two seconds" look. He'll think your group is even stranger when your friend sitting next to starts drinking directly out of the pitcher instead of her glass... no matter how thirsty she is.

I'm sure there were more, but I think we've hit all the major, life-saving points :o) Instead I'll leave you with a few pictures!
Brandon, John, Me, Alyssa, and Sarah.
Our "funny picture"... The boys didn't get the memo apparently.

Monday, May 3, 2010

I Did It... Well Almost!

This past weekend I graduated!!! Well I did the ceremonies anyway. Because I officially graduate in August and my school only has one graduation and pinning, this weekend was the big day. But only two more classes, my capstone clinical rotation, and the NCLEX predictor ATI stand in may way between regular Courtney and Courtney, BSN! Woo hoo!! For all of you who may be wondering where your graduation announcements were, I didn't buy them because I didn't see the point of paying $60 for invites when I only had six tickets for graduation. But no fear! When I actually graduate at the end of the summer I'm going to make some kind of announcement, and plan a little shindig. In the mean time, I'll just make sure I'll just make sure I finish up strong!

(For more pictures see my Facebook)