
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

When your farts scare you...

I'm sure I've had million and one things I could have wrote about since my last post, but I whenever I have a good idea I never write it down. Thus, perpetuating the random blog/lack of blog postings.... cycle.  By now I'm sure you have read the title and let me just put this disclaimer out there now: it's not about me!

I was sitting here tonight looking over my facebook with my two little fury friends cuddled up close to me (Yes, we have two dogs now. Looking back, I probably should/could have wrote a post about that....sorry!).  Then all of sudden I hear this little airy sound and then all of sudden Boston pops up. This fart, which had no real amount of sound at all scared the poor little guy right out of his peaceful slumber! Of course I start laughing him because I'm still eight years old and laugh any time anyone farts.... even at Brett in the middle of the night when he thinks I'm sleeping (he'll appreciate that I added that last part).  Unfortunately my laugh was interuptted when I got a whiff of this dog gas passage. Let me tell you, this little guy means business when he lets one go!

Well enough about dog farts. I'm sure you're really happy that you just lost two minutes of your life reading this post so I'll actually put some note worthy items here also! First off, I passed my third semester of nursing school.... Woot Woot!! Only two more left! Secondly, every one keeps asking me if Brett and I have set a date. We haven't. We have looked at a couple places and really like the place we looked at the other day down here in Southern Oregon. So once we come up with the deposit and get it booked we'll let the day out, but I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch. However, the minute we do get it finalized it'll be posted immediately!

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!!

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