
Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Moon

So as you all know, I have been anticipating this movie for quite some time (May to be exact) and last night I finally got what I had been so impatiently been waiting for. Unfortunately I have to say, I was let down. I'm not sure if it's just because as I've grown up I've started to hate watching movies/shows with others because other people talk and squeal and scream, and that's distracting and if I'm going to pay to eleven dollars to watch some totally ripped seventeen year old take off his shirt (cough, cough, Taylor Lautner) I'd like to be involved in the show ;o) Or whether it was due to the fact that I had already read the book and knew what was going to happen.

Now to be quite honest, I don't read books for leisure, or for school for that matter, often and the Twilight series were the first books I had been totally engrossed in and by that I mean, for example, I read the New Moon in a week and Eclipse in three days and usually I'm lucky to finish a book (This was up until the fourth one which I finally had to hide in my closet so I would do homework... although it's probably not the best idea to hide a book from yourself because you know where it is...).

After seeing this movie I said to myself (and everyone I was with), "You SOOO need to read the book, it's so much better!" And let me tell you, I have never said this statement in my life. In fact, I only read the first two Harry Potter books because I thought the movies were better so I stopped reading the books so that I didn't know what was going to happen in the movies. Others have called me a fool for this, but I am quite content in being oblivious in regards to this area. Which led me to my assumption that maybe I didn't like it as much because I knew the ending already.

Whatever it is, I don't know, but I walked out of that theater slightly let down. However, I did remember that the first time I watched Twilight, I hated it and the second time I loved it. So maybe I just need to give New Moon another shot! ... I'll probably wait until it comes out on DVD though because I'm too cheap :O)

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