
Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Little Dinner Conversation...

Brett and I decided that at least once a week we need to go out and do something with just us, and that doesn't involve errands or any of that business. Since we hadn't been out to dinner in awhile we decided we would try some place new (well new for us anyway), The Old Spaghetti Factory. Let me tell you, we carbo-loaded it up!! So much for Brett's diet he's been attempting to be loyal to :O) After we were done with our dinner and waiting for our ice cream, Brett made a little comment and this was the conversation that ensued...

Brett: Why does everything that tastes so good to you have to be so bad for you?

Me: I don't know, but one day it'll all go straight to my ass.

Brett: No babe, it's going to become your ass.

Me: But I'm sure you won't complain.

Brett: Nope!

He just knows all the right things to say doesn't he?!

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