Well it's been a few months so that must mean it's time for a new roommate! This cycles lucky winner is George! He's a guy that Brett worked with when he did his short stint a the car dealership.. well that's how Brett met George. My first encounter with little Georgie was one fall day when I was dropping off lunch for Brett. Brett was in the middle of trying to sell a car, so I just handed it off to the first person I saw. Although I forget who that was, George also happened to be there and asked, "Hey, did you put a juice box in there too?!" Unfortunately I had only made a sandwich and chips so I informed him of this. He replied, "Well next time I want a juice box!" Being the smart-ass that I am, the next day I came back with juice boxes (and to add to the smart-ass-ness) and also brought tonka truck and transformer fruit snacks for the whole class/guys that were working.
A short time passed and Brett and I found out that George was looking for a place to live. Since Betty (the current roommate) said she was going to move out mid-december, we decided George would be the perfect edition to our little humble aboad. So yesterday Brett and George gathered up George's things and he moved in. Ever since those two have been giggling like little school girls, although I can't complain because George has cooked the last two nights and it was been phenominal! .... I even ate my vegetables and they were even ones I hadn't had before... asparagus and squash--- Progress people, Progress!!
Well tonight George was taking a shower and Brett had the idea that he should go peek over the shower and freak him out. Then I had the idea that we should video. Don't worry you can only see Brett and hear George, although I was told that Georges face was PRICELESS! But I still think seeing Brett try to sneak in, hearing Georges reaction (I won't ruin it for you), and hearing Brett laugh is pretty hilarious :-)
Funny! What's even funnier is that you turn the video to the side to fit it in the door....nerd...but still I say MORE VIDEOS!
So I would like to take credit for making you eat squash first thank you very much!!! But good job George...this one needs her veggies ;)
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