Any who, so to get to the point of this little writing adventure, I have declared today National Bring Your Llama to School Day! Why you may ask?! Well I'll tell you! So I was in the anatomy lab this morning doing some last minute cramming (remember: procrastinator) and then we got kicked out because they had to set up the test/final, so Shelan and I decided to walk to the Cove to get a refreshing beverage to quench our thirst. We're walking along and then we notice these two ladies walking down the middle of road with a llama! Oh and did I mention this llama (Rojo was his name) was dressed up in christmas garb and had fake raindeer antlers?!!! We both stopped and our jaws dropped probably all the way to the ground... seriously who brings a llama to school?!?
Being us, we had to walk up to them and see why this creature wasn't hanging with his homies out on the farm. Well apparently they take this llama around to nursing homes and hospitals and such for animal therapy and since today was stress reduction day at school, they had brought it for us. Now I don't know about the rest of you all, but personally I've never had a good experience with a llama, and even though this one was pretty cute in all its christmas-ness, I think my anxiety level was higher in it's presence. Shelan on the otherhand was super excited. This explains why she has a picture hugging Rojo and I don't. I was trying to figure out if it was going to bite me, spit on me, or kick me in the shin (remember--no good llama experiences!). So all I did was pet his neck for no more than 2.5 seconds. Unfortunately the only picture is on Shelan's phone so if I can get I will definitely post it so you can truely grasp this odd specticle :-)
To finish things up, I leave everyone with a few pictures from my final project for photography class. The theme was to take pictures of inatimate objects I found while walking around and shooting them from the ground up. I had a much cooler idea, but with my crazy schedule this worked much better, but I'm going to keep that idea a secret and possible shoot it here in the upcoming future!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! Now I should probably get back to that paper :-(
1 comment:
That's a theme I haven't thought of...from the ground up. I really like it. No matter how short I am, it's a totally different perspective. Like it. I love the shopping cart the best. Then I like the meters and the bike rack next. nice light!
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