
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's Just My Style

Is it bad that when planning out writing a paper or even studying for a test, I plan in procrastination time?? I have been pondering this thought more and more the last couple weeks, especially with all the papers that have been due and now with it being finals week. Brett makes fun of me for it every time, and have even had my Dad give me some flack for it.

"So I thought you were writing your paper?"
"I am..."
"I can see you harvesting your crops on Farmtown!"

The worst part is, that I'm totally unproductive when I'm at home. Take today for example. Has worked out pretty well in the studying department mainly because I'm sitting at the hospital while Brett is getting surgery, and we all know there isn't much to do here! Unfortunately, I opened up my computer for a "study break" and an hour later, here I am still on it!

Oh well! I wouldn't have gotten this fair in life if procrastination wasn't my style!

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