Okay so enough with my useless rambling... (if your name is Brett you're thinking "isn't this all useless rambling?!") Onto the stories of today... or I guess I should say stories of the hour, which is really weird how things are getting grouped together so much in the last 24 hours... like last night I thought I was going crazy cause I couldn't find my bottle of whip cream for my margarita that I knew I had bought the day before, then like five minutes later Brett dropped his margarita into my bag of freshly purchased clothes and accessories, then as I was cleaning that up I looked over and the dog had up-chucked... fun times! Good thing I still had carpet cleaner and spray & wash! But enough getting off subject---back to today!
So I got of class and it's raining like a mother up here (I was so happy I a somewhat close parking spot because I didn't wear my rain jacket and I have to much man pride to use an umbrella). So I'm driving home and I as I'm coming up 26 by the zoo I hit a ton of water and start to hydroplane and am thinking "Wow! This is gonna suck!" but I got everything back under control and then all of sudden I look in the East 26 lanes and I see none other than super awesome Wiener Mobile!! It was like the weirdest post-I-think-I'm-gonna-die moment EVER!! Unfortunately that four-wheeled wiener was hauling 50 mph in the opposite direction so I couldn't catch up with it to claim my free whistle, but next time!!
But then I got home and I was watching Regis & Kelly and all of sudden they start talking about the Eugene so my ears perked up, and then they continued to talk about the World Naked Bike Ride that had went through town and is traveling across the country. Let me say-- Kelly had some of the same questions I did! Like first-- Why in the heck would you want to do that?! ...to which Regis replied "Some I just want to be free!" Then she asked, "Well wouldn't you want a little bit of coverage down there to prevent chaffing?" and my personal favorite! "What if something gets stuck?!" I can't even imagine! Also! Did I mention that it was raining and in the mid-40's... No better way to fight against energy dependence than to ride naked in the cold!
So then I was thinking (cause sometimes...okay most times.. I have wierd thoughts) what if the wiener mobile was with the naked bike riders?!! Just have a the wiener mobile surrounded by a pack of naked riders--hahah! That would be probably the most amazing thing EVER!!
For your viewing pleasure I have tracked down the most appropriate picture I could find of this specticle!

Finally a post! And yes post them all.
Naked bike riding is upsetting!
The weiner mobile...awesome. Like I told you before, it was always parked down the street by my apartment. Of course I didn't know about the free wiener whistle until years later. I could be rolling in the wiener whistles now!
Haha.. Rolling in wiener whistles and cruising with the naked bike riders!! Yeah buddy!! That's what I call a good day ;o)
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