
Friday, February 6, 2009

Nursing Humor..

The first four weeks of nursing school have been.. well weird to say the least! I've come to find out that nursing is all about having really good stories to tell. I always thought the stories that Melissa told me were out there, now I have six different classes full of these stories. For instance, one of my professors was working an OB shift and this girl was getting ready to have her baby but she didn't know who the father was... not too uncommon these days, but it gets better! So usually in this situation it's usually between two people... NO! It was between FIVE different guys who were all in the delivery room because the way they were going to figure it out was by how the baby looked. So when the baby came out it had a full head of black hair which at that point left between the Mexican guy and the African American guy. When the rest of the little one made it's way into the world the it was apparent that the father was the African American guy. Well the Mexican guy wasn't too excited about that and started a fight with the African American guy and then the white guys joined in and.... well... security had to be called and all the guys were removed from the hospital.

Then for my skills lab I have these two off the wall crazy ladies. They are SO funny! Who knows how the come up with some of the things they say, but they definitely catch us all off guard all the time! Like the other day we're sitting there and they were asking who was going to the VA clinical this week and then one of them was like "Oh you're going to have so much fun washing testicles and penises!" ... umm yeah these ladies are off the wall!

But here is something to that can entertain everyone. One of the many teaching tools that was presented to us. We were all a little surprised by this one.. but after listening/watching it we were all singing it as we walked down the hall. So here you go!


Neal, Melissa, Ella, Aubrey and Ainsley said...

So even better than the song is watching Ella do the dance!!! The best part of her dance is that she would go "faster faster" and dance faster, then go "slower slower" and again dance slower. I think she definitely gets the idea of Cheyne-Stokes breathing. Makes me such a proud mommy nurse :)

Laura said...

You guys are so weird!

Although I love the story of the slutty mom...too funny.