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Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My Own Little Christmas Card
I'm totally horrible at sending out Christmas cards, so when my mom sent me this today I knew I had to make my own... and include the siblings and the dogs... So it's my version of a Christmas card! Hope every one has a great Christmas!
Snow Pictures
With all the weather I just couldn't help but go out and take a few pictures!

And I had to try out a collage of the water fall-fountain-pond (I really have no idea what to call it), up at the front office of my apartment complex.

To finish up, after seeing this on the news the other day I had to share it with everyone just so you can see just how icy it is...

And I had to try out a collage of the water fall-fountain-pond (I really have no idea what to call it), up at the front office of my apartment complex.

To finish up, after seeing this on the news the other day I had to share it with everyone just so you can see just how icy it is...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Let It Snow!
I woke up a little extra early this morning to get to work just in case it had snowed over night, but it hadn't.. meaning I could lay in bed for about fifteen more minutes (I didn't say I had woke up super early). On the way to work there was just a few random snow flakes, nothing to get super excited about. Then at about 7:30 I was walking upstairs to do a CBG and insulin and there was like half an inch on the ground! I'm pretty sure that it hasn't stopped all day! When I finally got to leave work (cause I had to wait for everyone else to get there) there was like 6 inches on my car. It was crazy! I almost had to put chains on to get out the parking lot, but then Debbie decided to be the guinea pig and when she made I knew I could make it. It took twice as long to get home, partly because I avoided the freeway so I didn't have to put on my chains, but I finally got here... just in time to go back tomorrow morning :( BUT after I got home I got an invite to head over to Melissa and Neal's for a snowball fight! Being the kid I am at heart I jumped right up grabbed my snow clothes and Brett and I headed over. Instead of explaining it I'll just put up some pictures and a couple videos... of course most of them are of the cutest one in the bunch...
Crawling in the snow...

Eating the snow... Luckily it wasn't yellow!

Then we came home and decided to let Boston out, he wasn't too happy afterward, but while he was out he had a great time! ..although the snow was almost up to his stomach..

After Boston got done playing, he kind of looked like people off Titanic after the boat sinks and they're stuck in the Atlantic... and Brett just looks kind of scary...
Crawling in the snow...
Eating the snow... Luckily it wasn't yellow!
Then we came home and decided to let Boston out, he wasn't too happy afterward, but while he was out he had a great time! ..although the snow was almost up to his stomach..
After Boston got done playing, he kind of looked like people off Titanic after the boat sinks and they're stuck in the Atlantic... and Brett just looks kind of scary...
Friday, December 12, 2008
Not going to lie... I'm just a bit excited at the moment! You may be asking yourself, "Why is she so ecstatic again?" or "How could she be any more happier than she was yesterday when people were staring at her in her car?" Well my friends I'll tell--- I FINALLY GOT INTO NURSING SCHOOL!!! WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! (insert happy dance here)
Now I kind of kept the status of this little endeavor slightly under wraps due to the fact that there were many who were less than excited that I was already behind a semester. About a month and a half ago I realized the grades I was going to need to meet the science GPA requirement and now that I know I'm in it's safe to tell you. In order to get in and the was my grades were looking at that point, I needed either B+ in anatomy lecture and a B in anatomy lab or an A- in lecture and a B- in lab. Even the curriculum adviser was telling me to look into other options. Well I have no idea how I pulled it off (seriously I'm a little dumbfounded on my lab grade but I won't complain) but I ended up with an A- in lecture and a B in lab! So I'm super stoked! This week I'm totally going to order my scrubs and get a stethoscope and sphygmomometer (cool way of saying blood pressure cuff)... oh and some cool little pen lights! If you're lucky maybe I'll play dress up and post some pics once I get my stuff :-)
Now I kind of kept the status of this little endeavor slightly under wraps due to the fact that there were many who were less than excited that I was already behind a semester. About a month and a half ago I realized the grades I was going to need to meet the science GPA requirement and now that I know I'm in it's safe to tell you. In order to get in and the was my grades were looking at that point, I needed either B+ in anatomy lecture and a B in anatomy lab or an A- in lecture and a B- in lab. Even the curriculum adviser was telling me to look into other options. Well I have no idea how I pulled it off (seriously I'm a little dumbfounded on my lab grade but I won't complain) but I ended up with an A- in lecture and a B in lab! So I'm super stoked! This week I'm totally going to order my scrubs and get a stethoscope and sphygmomometer (cool way of saying blood pressure cuff)... oh and some cool little pen lights! If you're lucky maybe I'll play dress up and post some pics once I get my stuff :-)
Lazy Day...
So I FINALLY have a day off where I'm not at school or work, and let me tell you it's pretty amazing! Finals are over, and I was so excited that I smiled the entire 15 mile drive home! People were staring and pointing... Might have been my wicked car dancing skills that caught their eye :-) What can I say?! I was just way excited to be done with school for an entire month. I went into last semester thinking it would be way less stressful than previous ones, but that was definitely not the case! Lots of busy work! Now I'm just going to relax, hang out with the pooch, get my apartment back under control, and get ready for Christmas.
To finish things up, I must comment on the Yamasa soy sauce commercial. If you haven't seen it I've took the pleasure of finding it on youtube and posting it on here. I'm pretty sure that the dance is totally a Japanese knock off of the moceraina... or it could be Chinese... I honestly have no idea where soy sauce comes from, but someone once told me that when a girl soy sauce and boy sauce like each other they get together and make little baby soy sauces--- Hmmm.... probably not quite the answer we're looking for! But anyway, this commercial is totally ridiculous and makes me laugh histarically everytime, so now i'm sharing this joy with you!
To finish things up, I must comment on the Yamasa soy sauce commercial. If you haven't seen it I've took the pleasure of finding it on youtube and posting it on here. I'm pretty sure that the dance is totally a Japanese knock off of the moceraina... or it could be Chinese... I honestly have no idea where soy sauce comes from, but someone once told me that when a girl soy sauce and boy sauce like each other they get together and make little baby soy sauces--- Hmmm.... probably not quite the answer we're looking for! But anyway, this commercial is totally ridiculous and makes me laugh histarically everytime, so now i'm sharing this joy with you!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Llama Update...
I was cruising around the facebook world and saw that Shelan had posted the picture of her and Rojo the Christmas llama...... SO I "borrowed" it so that everyone could see Rojo! Now you know I'm not some crazy person who makes up stories about bringing christmas llamas to school.... although the crazy part might be true :-)

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Everyone Meet George!
Well it's been a few months so that must mean it's time for a new roommate! This cycles lucky winner is George! He's a guy that Brett worked with when he did his short stint a the car dealership.. well that's how Brett met George. My first encounter with little Georgie was one fall day when I was dropping off lunch for Brett. Brett was in the middle of trying to sell a car, so I just handed it off to the first person I saw. Although I forget who that was, George also happened to be there and asked, "Hey, did you put a juice box in there too?!" Unfortunately I had only made a sandwich and chips so I informed him of this. He replied, "Well next time I want a juice box!" Being the smart-ass that I am, the next day I came back with juice boxes (and to add to the smart-ass-ness) and also brought tonka truck and transformer fruit snacks for the whole class/guys that were working.
A short time passed and Brett and I found out that George was looking for a place to live. Since Betty (the current roommate) said she was going to move out mid-december, we decided George would be the perfect edition to our little humble aboad. So yesterday Brett and George gathered up George's things and he moved in. Ever since those two have been giggling like little school girls, although I can't complain because George has cooked the last two nights and it was been phenominal! .... I even ate my vegetables and they were even ones I hadn't had before... asparagus and squash--- Progress people, Progress!!
Well tonight George was taking a shower and Brett had the idea that he should go peek over the shower and freak him out. Then I had the idea that we should video. Don't worry you can only see Brett and hear George, although I was told that Georges face was PRICELESS! But I still think seeing Brett try to sneak in, hearing Georges reaction (I won't ruin it for you), and hearing Brett laugh is pretty hilarious :-)
A short time passed and Brett and I found out that George was looking for a place to live. Since Betty (the current roommate) said she was going to move out mid-december, we decided George would be the perfect edition to our little humble aboad. So yesterday Brett and George gathered up George's things and he moved in. Ever since those two have been giggling like little school girls, although I can't complain because George has cooked the last two nights and it was been phenominal! .... I even ate my vegetables and they were even ones I hadn't had before... asparagus and squash--- Progress people, Progress!!
Well tonight George was taking a shower and Brett had the idea that he should go peek over the shower and freak him out. Then I had the idea that we should video. Don't worry you can only see Brett and hear George, although I was told that Georges face was PRICELESS! But I still think seeing Brett try to sneak in, hearing Georges reaction (I won't ruin it for you), and hearing Brett laugh is pretty hilarious :-)
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Bring Your Llama To School Day!
So I must apologize for my absence--but in my defense it is finals time and I'm training for a new job at work so I'm picking up a few extra shifts.... basically life is crazy and sleep is no where near enough! However, because I am known for being pretty much the biggest procrastinator ever, I thought I would take some time away from writing my German history paper because well I've been working on it for half an hour and that means it's time for a break! ... and I wonder why I haven't got much sleep.... hahah!
Any who, so to get to the point of this little writing adventure, I have declared today National Bring Your Llama to School Day! Why you may ask?! Well I'll tell you! So I was in the anatomy lab this morning doing some last minute cramming (remember: procrastinator) and then we got kicked out because they had to set up the test/final, so Shelan and I decided to walk to the Cove to get a refreshing beverage to quench our thirst. We're walking along and then we notice these two ladies walking down the middle of road with a llama! Oh and did I mention this llama (Rojo was his name) was dressed up in christmas garb and had fake raindeer antlers?!!! We both stopped and our jaws dropped probably all the way to the ground... seriously who brings a llama to school?!?
Being us, we had to walk up to them and see why this creature wasn't hanging with his homies out on the farm. Well apparently they take this llama around to nursing homes and hospitals and such for animal therapy and since today was stress reduction day at school, they had brought it for us. Now I don't know about the rest of you all, but personally I've never had a good experience with a llama, and even though this one was pretty cute in all its christmas-ness, I think my anxiety level was higher in it's presence. Shelan on the otherhand was super excited. This explains why she has a picture hugging Rojo and I don't. I was trying to figure out if it was going to bite me, spit on me, or kick me in the shin (remember--no good llama experiences!). So all I did was pet his neck for no more than 2.5 seconds. Unfortunately the only picture is on Shelan's phone so if I can get I will definitely post it so you can truely grasp this odd specticle :-)
To finish things up, I leave everyone with a few pictures from my final project for photography class. The theme was to take pictures of inatimate objects I found while walking around and shooting them from the ground up. I had a much cooler idea, but with my crazy schedule this worked much better, but I'm going to keep that idea a secret and possible shoot it here in the upcoming future!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! Now I should probably get back to that paper :-(
Any who, so to get to the point of this little writing adventure, I have declared today National Bring Your Llama to School Day! Why you may ask?! Well I'll tell you! So I was in the anatomy lab this morning doing some last minute cramming (remember: procrastinator) and then we got kicked out because they had to set up the test/final, so Shelan and I decided to walk to the Cove to get a refreshing beverage to quench our thirst. We're walking along and then we notice these two ladies walking down the middle of road with a llama! Oh and did I mention this llama (Rojo was his name) was dressed up in christmas garb and had fake raindeer antlers?!!! We both stopped and our jaws dropped probably all the way to the ground... seriously who brings a llama to school?!?
Being us, we had to walk up to them and see why this creature wasn't hanging with his homies out on the farm. Well apparently they take this llama around to nursing homes and hospitals and such for animal therapy and since today was stress reduction day at school, they had brought it for us. Now I don't know about the rest of you all, but personally I've never had a good experience with a llama, and even though this one was pretty cute in all its christmas-ness, I think my anxiety level was higher in it's presence. Shelan on the otherhand was super excited. This explains why she has a picture hugging Rojo and I don't. I was trying to figure out if it was going to bite me, spit on me, or kick me in the shin (remember--no good llama experiences!). So all I did was pet his neck for no more than 2.5 seconds. Unfortunately the only picture is on Shelan's phone so if I can get I will definitely post it so you can truely grasp this odd specticle :-)
To finish things up, I leave everyone with a few pictures from my final project for photography class. The theme was to take pictures of inatimate objects I found while walking around and shooting them from the ground up. I had a much cooler idea, but with my crazy schedule this worked much better, but I'm going to keep that idea a secret and possible shoot it here in the upcoming future!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! Now I should probably get back to that paper :-(
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