Wednesday, February 18, 2009
In my theory class today....yes I know, I have lots of stories... blame Brett, he's out of town so I have no own to filter these through since I haven't really talked to him, so now you're getting all of it! So back to the story, in my theory class today we were talking about an Asian patient whose name is Hai (sounds like high). Well then the professor made the mistake of asking, "So what would you do if your patient was Hai?" Well I was trying to hold in my laughter, but I'm just that mature and few little chuckles got out... Oops!
More Tales From The Lab...
After participating in skills lab this week, I've decided that I just need to record it because with all the crazy things I write about I think everyone is going to start thinking that I made these things up. On the contrary my friends, all the events are true, thus leading to the reason why I have amazing abs--- I spend three hours laughing!
This weeks adventures were in learning abdominal and cardiac assessment. Now last week when we were doing lung assessment, Tyler (one of the guys in my class) was the guinea pig and had to take his shirt off in front of everyone so that Denise could demonstrate for everyone (we all had to eventually at least with our partners, well the ladies kept their bras on). So this week as soon as we split into two groups and our group went into the NP practice lab, he was like "I am not taking my shirt off in front of everyone this week so the rest of you guys better figure out who's doing it!" Well then Tyler made the mistake of walking out of the lab to go to the restroom. While he was gone, Denise came in and said "Okay so I need one of you boys to volunteer your upper body to us!" (It just so happened we had 4 people in our group of 10 were guys). Well we then discovered that the other three guys were a little on the hairy side and one of the girls mentioned that Tyler shaves his chest so as soon as Tyler walked back in Denise let him know that he once again had the privilege of baring his upper body to the rest of us. So he got set up on the examination table (they're just like the one's in the doctor's offices) and while he was getting set up she asked for two more volunteers, then she gave them two crayola markers (washable)... Well Tyler's chest and abdomen then started to look like a small child's coloring book, especially after the liver was drawn on the wrong side and had to be redrawn. Other organs that we're including in this new work of body art-- the uterus and fallopian tubes. Of course since it was two girls in charge of the drawing, they made sure to label these parts. Unfortunately my camera was dead so I couldn't get a picture but I'm sure you can picture this at least some what.
After we were drawing, we some how got into another conversation about saggy breasts...which then led into a conversation about elongated testicles.... It went a little something like this:
Denise-- "So you know how women get saggy breasts as they age, well that is due to an elongating of a tendon. Well gentlemen have the same thing, sort of, except the tendon that elongates with them deals with their testicles. So older gentleman, if theirs are elongated to much and they sit down on the toilet, their testicles touch the water, then they can have a heart attack and possibly die!" WOW! So now you're prepared if you ever end up in that situation! No need to thank me-- these stories are like my own free version of a PSA! Your welcome :o)
This weeks adventures were in learning abdominal and cardiac assessment. Now last week when we were doing lung assessment, Tyler (one of the guys in my class) was the guinea pig and had to take his shirt off in front of everyone so that Denise could demonstrate for everyone (we all had to eventually at least with our partners, well the ladies kept their bras on). So this week as soon as we split into two groups and our group went into the NP practice lab, he was like "I am not taking my shirt off in front of everyone this week so the rest of you guys better figure out who's doing it!" Well then Tyler made the mistake of walking out of the lab to go to the restroom. While he was gone, Denise came in and said "Okay so I need one of you boys to volunteer your upper body to us!" (It just so happened we had 4 people in our group of 10 were guys). Well we then discovered that the other three guys were a little on the hairy side and one of the girls mentioned that Tyler shaves his chest so as soon as Tyler walked back in Denise let him know that he once again had the privilege of baring his upper body to the rest of us. So he got set up on the examination table (they're just like the one's in the doctor's offices) and while he was getting set up she asked for two more volunteers, then she gave them two crayola markers (washable)... Well Tyler's chest and abdomen then started to look like a small child's coloring book, especially after the liver was drawn on the wrong side and had to be redrawn. Other organs that we're including in this new work of body art-- the uterus and fallopian tubes. Of course since it was two girls in charge of the drawing, they made sure to label these parts. Unfortunately my camera was dead so I couldn't get a picture but I'm sure you can picture this at least some what.
After we were drawing, we some how got into another conversation about saggy breasts...which then led into a conversation about elongated testicles.... It went a little something like this:
Denise-- "So you know how women get saggy breasts as they age, well that is due to an elongating of a tendon. Well gentlemen have the same thing, sort of, except the tendon that elongates with them deals with their testicles. So older gentleman, if theirs are elongated to much and they sit down on the toilet, their testicles touch the water, then they can have a heart attack and possibly die!" WOW! So now you're prepared if you ever end up in that situation! No need to thank me-- these stories are like my own free version of a PSA! Your welcome :o)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Because I hear so many stories from my lovely lab ladies, I found today that I had a few of their stories crossed up. The pulling out of the soft palette is still totally true. It was a story to teach us the importance of getting dentures out every day, otherwise the glue does its job a little to well. The part that had to do with flossing was this...
Denise had a patient that didn't like to floss and never did (this you know if you read the previous blog). Well this client developed an abscess... then this abscess got infected... then turned systemic (meaning it spread to the rest of his body)... and in the end it left him paralyzed!
So floss your teeth and add up to seven years to your life! ... Or don't and possibly end up paralyzed... no bueno!
Denise had a patient that didn't like to floss and never did (this you know if you read the previous blog). Well this client developed an abscess... then this abscess got infected... then turned systemic (meaning it spread to the rest of his body)... and in the end it left him paralyzed!
So floss your teeth and add up to seven years to your life! ... Or don't and possibly end up paralyzed... no bueno!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
More About The Lab Ladies
As with every Tuesday, yesterday was my simulation lab class for fundamentals, and again my lab professors were back on the crazy train.... okay well maybe not the crazy train but another one of the rants. So let me set this one up: We're sitting in the classroom, getting ready to go over our study guide, and all of sudden Denise (one of the professors) gets up and starts asking people if they flossed today. Now this goes back to a previous lab which I unfortunately did not report to you. During this particular class, Denise told us about one time she had a client who didn't floss and who also put in his dentures and didn't take them out for three days. The result: After they admitted him they were trying to get the dentures out and ended up pulling out his entire soft palette (sorry for those of you who are a bit squeamish)! So Denise's new thing is pushing flossing.
Now back to yesterday-- After she started individually calling on people to see if they had flossed she then proceeded to hand out floss to those who hadn't flossed yet today. However, a lot of hadn't yet (I like to do mine before bed) so she ran out of floss before she even made it half way around the class. She also made sure to let everyone know that flossing can add seven years to your life! So if your looking for a few extra years grab some floss and get on it! I think the most random part was when she said, "I like flick the stuff on the windshield while I'm driving, I mean that's what it's for right?!" I'm pretty sure we all said "EW!!!" at the same time.
Oh also in lab! So my ear has been killing me off and on for awhile now and last week it was especially bad, almost to the point that I was going to go to the doctor... of course I didn't because I pretty much hate going more than anything. So yesterday Shelan and I were messing around in lab.. surprise right?!... and they had the little ear lights sitting there so we asked Denise when we would get to use those. She said not until next year. Of course we were bummed so she took a second and showed us and while she was look at mine she confirmed that I'm not crazy and not a panzy (like someone said...cough cough.. Brett... Love you!). She said that I have an ear infection but its most likely viral so even if I went to the doctor and they gave me meds it would wipe out all my "friendly" bacteria and then it could just make life worse. So moral of the story: My not-wanting-to-go-to-the-doctors-ness finally paid off! And nursing school is a good investment-- saves money on healthcare!
OMG!! I was looking for a picture to add to this because... well I have been lacking in that department and I found these!! Enjoy :o)

Now back to yesterday-- After she started individually calling on people to see if they had flossed she then proceeded to hand out floss to those who hadn't flossed yet today. However, a lot of hadn't yet (I like to do mine before bed) so she ran out of floss before she even made it half way around the class. She also made sure to let everyone know that flossing can add seven years to your life! So if your looking for a few extra years grab some floss and get on it! I think the most random part was when she said, "I like flick the stuff on the windshield while I'm driving, I mean that's what it's for right?!" I'm pretty sure we all said "EW!!!" at the same time.
Oh also in lab! So my ear has been killing me off and on for awhile now and last week it was especially bad, almost to the point that I was going to go to the doctor... of course I didn't because I pretty much hate going more than anything. So yesterday Shelan and I were messing around in lab.. surprise right?!... and they had the little ear lights sitting there so we asked Denise when we would get to use those. She said not until next year. Of course we were bummed so she took a second and showed us and while she was look at mine she confirmed that I'm not crazy and not a panzy (like someone said...cough cough.. Brett... Love you!). She said that I have an ear infection but its most likely viral so even if I went to the doctor and they gave me meds it would wipe out all my "friendly" bacteria and then it could just make life worse. So moral of the story: My not-wanting-to-go-to-the-doctors-ness finally paid off! And nursing school is a good investment-- saves money on healthcare!
OMG!! I was looking for a picture to add to this because... well I have been lacking in that department and I found these!! Enjoy :o)

Monday, February 9, 2009
The Most Anti-Climatic Situation EVER!
Yesterday I was at work, trying to go home and all of a sudden the activities coordinator runs into the med room and starts freaking out saying, "Oh my gosh! We have a resident, and there is blood... somebody needs to get out here quick!" Well at the time there were the two med aides who had just came on shift and me (who was trying to go home) standing there and as soon as she said that the other two just kind of stared at each other and me.... well being the blood loving nursing student that I am---I jump into action and said "Awesome!! I'm totally on it!!"
I grabbed the first aide kit and ran down to the activities room, the whole time preparing myself for massive amounts of blood, elderly people freaking out, etc. Did I find that??? Well by the title I'm sure you can guess that is the exact opposite of what I found. One of the caregivers and I ran into the room to find... duh-duh-duh!!! A 2cm skin tear with very minimal blood... so minimal that the client was able to clean it up with a tissue. I was not excited because I knew that because I found this I now had to fill out all the paperwork, make phone calls to family and her doctor, and chart. So I bandaged her up, even though she kept saying, "It's nothing really, I don't need anything..." Then I got to go through the long drawn out process of our redundant paper work, and calling family to assure them that nothing was wrong it was just procedure that I call, etc.
Finally I finish up and am ready to head home and then get suckered into another situation mainly due the fact that I am a nursing student, and because they know that I now get more responsibility... well within parameters. It's all good practice, don't get me wrong, but at the end of the day, when my shift and shift report are over I just want to go home!
Oh also! Since we're on the subject of school and this is pretty amazing I must mention that I was able to finish my 60 question pharmacology test in twenty minutes! Now hearing that you might expect that my performance might not be as well as could have had I spent more time on it. Well now I can tell you that my 2o second per question approach led to a 93%... pretty much amazing!!
I grabbed the first aide kit and ran down to the activities room, the whole time preparing myself for massive amounts of blood, elderly people freaking out, etc. Did I find that??? Well by the title I'm sure you can guess that is the exact opposite of what I found. One of the caregivers and I ran into the room to find... duh-duh-duh!!! A 2cm skin tear with very minimal blood... so minimal that the client was able to clean it up with a tissue. I was not excited because I knew that because I found this I now had to fill out all the paperwork, make phone calls to family and her doctor, and chart. So I bandaged her up, even though she kept saying, "It's nothing really, I don't need anything..." Then I got to go through the long drawn out process of our redundant paper work, and calling family to assure them that nothing was wrong it was just procedure that I call, etc.
Finally I finish up and am ready to head home and then get suckered into another situation mainly due the fact that I am a nursing student, and because they know that I now get more responsibility... well within parameters. It's all good practice, don't get me wrong, but at the end of the day, when my shift and shift report are over I just want to go home!
Oh also! Since we're on the subject of school and this is pretty amazing I must mention that I was able to finish my 60 question pharmacology test in twenty minutes! Now hearing that you might expect that my performance might not be as well as could have had I spent more time on it. Well now I can tell you that my 2o second per question approach led to a 93%... pretty much amazing!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Nursing Humor..
The first four weeks of nursing school have been.. well weird to say the least! I've come to find out that nursing is all about having really good stories to tell. I always thought the stories that Melissa told me were out there, now I have six different classes full of these stories. For instance, one of my professors was working an OB shift and this girl was getting ready to have her baby but she didn't know who the father was... not too uncommon these days, but it gets better! So usually in this situation it's usually between two people... NO! It was between FIVE different guys who were all in the delivery room because the way they were going to figure it out was by how the baby looked. So when the baby came out it had a full head of black hair which at that point left between the Mexican guy and the African American guy. When the rest of the little one made it's way into the world the it was apparent that the father was the African American guy. Well the Mexican guy wasn't too excited about that and started a fight with the African American guy and then the white guys joined in and.... well... security had to be called and all the guys were removed from the hospital.
Then for my skills lab I have these two off the wall crazy ladies. They are SO funny! Who knows how the come up with some of the things they say, but they definitely catch us all off guard all the time! Like the other day we're sitting there and they were asking who was going to the VA clinical this week and then one of them was like "Oh you're going to have so much fun washing testicles and penises!" ... umm yeah these ladies are off the wall!
But here is something to that can entertain everyone. One of the many teaching tools that was presented to us. We were all a little surprised by this one.. but after listening/watching it we were all singing it as we walked down the hall. So here you go!
Then for my skills lab I have these two off the wall crazy ladies. They are SO funny! Who knows how the come up with some of the things they say, but they definitely catch us all off guard all the time! Like the other day we're sitting there and they were asking who was going to the VA clinical this week and then one of them was like "Oh you're going to have so much fun washing testicles and penises!" ... umm yeah these ladies are off the wall!
But here is something to that can entertain everyone. One of the many teaching tools that was presented to us. We were all a little surprised by this one.. but after listening/watching it we were all singing it as we walked down the hall. So here you go!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Ode To Football Pants--
So watching the Super Bowl made me realize how much I love (love, Love, LOVE!) football pants!! Seriously! I mean once players get into college and pro's they are so muscular that those super tight pants just accentuate the hind region ;) haha! All I'm saying is if you have to watch something that really doesn't interest you too much, at least football allows you to look at yet another one of God's great inventions.... football pants :)
....Also comparable to wranglers at the rodeo :)
So in honor of this lovely apparel I've wrote a little something! Just remember-- I'm not famous for my poetry skills :)
Ode to Football Pants
Oh sweet football pants,
You form such a wonderful sight,
And now you've caused me to start a rant
On my blog tonight.
Big or small,
You never fall,
And you always hold on tight,
Sometimes when I'm down,
and wearing a frown,
I just turn on the game,
and praise your name!
....Also comparable to wranglers at the rodeo :)
So in honor of this lovely apparel I've wrote a little something! Just remember-- I'm not famous for my poetry skills :)
Ode to Football Pants
Oh sweet football pants,
You form such a wonderful sight,
And now you've caused me to start a rant
On my blog tonight.
Big or small,
You never fall,
And you always hold on tight,
Sometimes when I'm down,
and wearing a frown,
I just turn on the game,
and praise your name!

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