
Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oh Sweet Drug Test!

All of my nursing school paperwork is due tomorrow, so I've spent the last two days running around town (..and getting lost) gathering up random paperwork, getting my CPR certification, a tetanus shot, and the always exciting drug test!

The part I hate most... okay thinking about it, lets say second most... is the fact that you're not supposed to drink anything four hours before hand... Seriously?!? I'm not sure I know a single person that follows this. Since I had a super long class this morning it made it easier for me to compile a sizable "specimen," although it was a VERY long ride and definitely not fun when I couldn't find the place. But I got there! With dry pants too... barely! The lady was super fast at setting up and gave me all the instructions and said, "Most importantly DON'T FLUSH!" I nodded, seemed like pretty simple instructions. Then she said "Good luck!" To which I responded, "Oh, I've been saving this for you all morning!"

So sit down to do my best at... well you know. The whole time thinking, there has got to better way for ladies to do this! So I started thinking up all these devices for such an activity, and before I knew it I was done! But all my thinking led me to make a crucial error.... I flushed the toilet! I broke the golden drug test rule! The lady had told me and there were signs everywhere, but in all my excitement of making millions off urine specimen collection, I just did what I always do and flushed. Fortunately, the lady checked the protocol for my school and there was nothing that said I had to redo it, but she did let me know that OHSU protocol states if you flush, you have to stay until they can gather another sample. Good thing U.P. skipped that part or who knows how long I would have been there!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So This One Time....

... I fell out of the shower. I mean every once in awhile you get tripped up on that whole side of the tub thing and the events that follow usually end with someone knocking on the door to make sure you're still alive because there is no way that the ear deafening thunder could mean survival! Well yesterday I topped my all time list of falling-out-of-the-shower-ness (and the fact that I even have a list is a statement in and of itself). During the wee hours of the morning I was doing my scrub-a-dub-dub deal and then I finished up and was reaching to grab a towel. After opening the shower curtain I noticed the door was open about a foot and my little four legged friend was sitting on the rug staring up at me. Because I knew that one of the roommates was still home I decided it would be a good idea to close said door in effort to maintain some privacy. In doing so I leaned out of the shower, put my hand on the towel rack and leaned out to close the door. Well mid-lean the towel rack gives out and I fall out of the tub, may have partially landed on the dog (still not sure if I actually did or not, but the little guy is doing just fine), and didn't get door shut. What I did accomplish though was my sprawled out, naked self, face down on the bathroom floor with my legs up still on the edge of the tub. Yeah, definitely not the best position for the whole privacy thing!

So because the roommate was still home, I jumped up really quick, shut the door, and got a towel on because I'm sure my thunderous fall not only woke him up, but possibly the neighbors below and maybe even above... Yes! It really was that loud! In order to keep him from knocking on the door I started making a bunch of noise so that he could tell I had survived the treacherous fall.

I know what you're think now............... What about the towel rack right?? Well fortunately it didn't rip out the wall! the bar just slipped out and I was about to get it back in with no trouble. And me-- Well I'm good to go! A bruise on the knees but I think considering what happened, I'll take a couple bruises! And the dog! Can't forget about him! Well he was acutely traumatized. After the fall he ran over by the sink and just stood there shaking, and wouldn't come near for like five minutes.... but honestly, can you blame him?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I'm Back!

As you all have figured out by now, I'm horrible at this blogging thing. I have good spurts, but those seem to followed by long periods of nothingness. Let's just say life has been crazy! I started nursing school two weeks ago (finally!), then add work to that, and a barrage of family members who decided to take a little vacation up here. Okay, so a hospital stay isn't quite the vacation anyone hopes for but everyone is back home, resting and recuperating... or so I hope!

Now onto the inspiration for my long overdue blogging attempt. I was sitting here watching "A Very Duggar Wedding", and for those of you who haven't had the chance to at least see a commercial about this I'll explain. The Duggar's are the family off TLC's "17 Kids and Counting" (Actually they just had their 18th so maybe they need to change the name of the show?!). Obviously they have A LOT of kids! They are VERY conservative, kids are home schooled, don't watch a lot tv, not too much time on the internet, etc. So this little wedding special was about their oldest son Josh who is getting married. The low down on this: They have yet to kiss and of course no sex. The whole part that got me was the no kissing... seriously??! So during their "courtship" they just hold hands... A LOT! Whatever floats your boat! I'll admit their much stronger people than I am! But onto the point of this! I was watching the show/doing some reading for class tomorrow and then all of sudden a commercial came on. It was the commercial for Plan B! Seriously?!?! Of all the shows to air that commercial during I would say this was definitely the definition of opposites! I think if they ever found this out the Duggar's (and the whole conservative community) would have a coronary! So there is your little laugh for the evening! I think I'm going to hit the sack, but hopefully I'll be able to keep up with this a little more frequently!

Oh! Just found out-- the show is getting changed to "18 kids and counting"