
Saturday, November 22, 2008

My Dog Peed My Pants

So for my inaugural blog I was waiting for something super good to entertain those who might stumble upon this. I could have wrote about the clown (yes a fully dressed clown!) driving a car down the freeway and I even thought about ranting on people always take super disgusting #2's in public restrooms and never flush, but luckily for you all I was asked a very important question tonight when I got off work...

So I walk in, sit down, and Brett and I are just sitting here talking about random things, then he gets this serious look on his face and says, "Hey, I have a question for you... Baby, did you pee your pants?"

I just started busting up laughing and said, "No, why?"
"Are you sure??"

"No, I haven't peed my pants for like a year!" (still busting up laughing of course)
"I think the dog might have peed on your underwear then... just come here for a second.."

So we walk into our room and he holds up the underwear and says, "Here look at these... It's right in the middle and in the front... right where I would assume it would be if you had peed your pants... and the floor wasn't wet where I picked them up from..."

"Hey if I had peed my pants, I'd be the first to admit it! In fact, I'd probably call you to tell you I did it!"

So apparently our dog is super smart (which I figured out the other day when he kept rolling down the window in the car) to know that if he's going to pee in the house he should do it in my underwear!

To finish up, since I don't really feel like putting up a picture of my peed on underwear, I thought I would put a picture the pooch hanging out the window after he rolled it down.